Wednesday, December 10, 2008

All West Band Final Instructions

Dear Parents,

All-West auditions are approaching quickly, and there are a few things that we need to take care of as soon as possible.

Auditions will be Saturday, Dec. 13, at the University School of Jackson, TN. Audition times are attached, and we need to arrange transportation for those students who need help getting to Jackson. The address to USJ is 232 McClellan Road, Jackson, TN, 38305.

The most important thing to remember about auditions is that your child can’t be late! Students who are more than 10 minutes late for their audition will not be allowed to audition. Second, it is important to plan enough time to get a good warm-up. Try to arrive at the school at least 45 minutes before the scheduled audition time. This will allow you to warm-up and find your audition room without running late.

Students, you should be at the audition registration table ten minutes before your audition time. The people at the table will allow you to proceed back to the audition rooms. Parents, you may not go with your student to the audition rooms. After the audition, you are free to go. Ms. Spain and I will collect your judge’s sheets and have them for you on Monday. If you make All West, you will receive a call from me Saturday night.

Please return the form below, letting us know if your child needs transportation to Jackson, or if you will be able to help us transport students.

Thanks for your help, and I look forward to our students doing well at auditions.

Thank you,

David Wood

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