Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

Dear Parents and Students,

It has been awhile, but we are starting to get back to our blog. Our website is also in the process of being updated. Note that the calendar is already updated. We will be updating the rest of the page as soon as we can.

The most important upcoming event is All-West auditions. The Mt. Pisgah band has 32 students traveling to University School of Jackson to audition. Audition times were given to the students in class today. A detailed letter will go home tomorrow, with directions for students and parents. Good luck to all students auditioning!

Rehearsals for the Honor Band and Jazz Band will resume this Thursday. The Beginning Band will start after school rehearsals later this semester. A letter will be sent home in advance of the 6th grade resuming after school rehearsals.

We look forward to a great semester! Please check back often for further updates!

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