Monday, May 4, 2009

Band Parents, 5/4/09

This note is to remind you about the Mt. Pisgah Band attendance policy, which is listed below. Students must attend the Spring Concert to be eligible for the field trip (6th grade) and Band Awards Banquet.

Spring Banquet/Field Trip Eligibility
The Spring Band Banquet is intended to reward those students who have worked hard and attended after school rehearsals throughout the year. The 6th grade field trip is an additional reward designed for beginning band students who have attended after-school band throughout the year. In order for students to be eligible for the banquet (and field trip), they must meet all performance and attendance obligations.

Thank you,

David Wood
Susan Spain

Friday, February 6, 2009


Here is the Honor Band schedule for the rest of the nine weeks. Concert Festival is Wednesday, March 11th. Attendance at all rehearsals is very important!


Tuesday - Feb 10
Full Honor Band Rehearsal

Thursday - Feb. 12
(flutes, clarinets, saxophones, bassoon)

Tuesday - Feb. 17
No School - No Rehearsal

Thursday - Feb. 19
(trumpets, trombones, baritones , tubas)

Tuesday - Feb. 24
Full Honor Band Rehearsal

Thursday - Feb. 26
Full Honor Band Rehearsal


Tuesday - March 3
Full Honor Band Rehearsal

Thursday - March 5
Full Honor Band Rehearsal

Tuesday - March 10
Last Rehearsal Before Festival

Wednesday - March 11 -
Concert Festival at Ridgeway Middle School

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What: Mt Pisgah Band Booster Club Meeting!!!!

When: Thursday, January 22, 2009

When: 7pm to 8pm One Hour Only!!!!!!

Where: Mt Pisgah Band Room

Meeting Agenda
Band Schedule
Membership/ By-laws
If you would like to add to the Agenda, please submit information to Rory Mitchner at

Rory Mitchner
Mt Pisgah Band Booster Club President

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Honor Band Auditions

TO: Parents of 7th and 8th Band Students

FROM: Dr. Wood & Ms. Spain

RE: Selection of Honor Band

February 1st we will audition all students and select the more advanced performing students to form this year’s Honor Band. This group will represent Mt. Pisgah at the Regional Concert Festival, at Ridgeway Middle School, on March 11th.

After February 1st, this select Honor Band group will begin serious preparation for Concert Festival. This preparation will include meeting twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons until Concert Festival. If your student will have a problem attending these extra rehearsals, please email me and let me know. (

We are writing this note to encourage your student to practice, so that they might join this select group. The Honor Band will consist of no more than the top 50 band students in 7th and 8th grade. Those who are not selected will not have after school rehearsal from February 6, until after Spring Break.

Those students who have a failing band grade, will not be allowed to participate in Honor Band regardless of how well they perform. Please encourage your student to turn in his/her weekly practice sheets. Failure to turn in practice sheets will cause you student to failing band grade.

Parents please sign and return the form below:

(Please return to Black Box)

I have read and understand your message.

Parent Name _________________________________

Student Name _________________________________

____ If selected, my student will be able to attend the extra Thursday rehearsals in February and March.

____ If selected, my students will not be able to attend the extra Thursday rehearsals in
February and March. If not, please email me with reason.

Date ___________________